NJAHPERD is dedicated to advancing quality health education, physical education, recreation, dance education, and athletics. The Association promotes the development of healthy active lifestyles for New Jersey’s students, educators and community members. Our physical education teachers attended the NJAHPERD Conference this week.
L to R: Mr. Barrett, Mr. Chichilitti, NJAHPERD President Ms. Doherty, Mr. Boggs, Ms. Hart |
At the conference, our teachers accepted a plaque on behalf of the LIS students. The plaque was awarded to LIS for raising over $20,000 last year for our combined Jump Rope & Hoops for Heart events, making us
#1 in the
state of New Jersey!
Our teachers also had the opportunity to hear from and meet with the motivational keynote speaker for the day,
Gian Paul Gonzalez.
L to R: Ms. Hart, Mr. Chichilitti, Gian Paul Gonzalez, Mr. Boggs, Mr. Barrett |
Congratulations to our students, who did such outstanding fundraising, and to our Physical Education department, who spent many hours coordinating these excellent programs.