Wednesday, December 14, 2011
LIS VIP assembly
We would like to thank the parents and families that attended our first marking period VIP assembly, in addition to Ms. Neamand and the LHS Red Scare for their performance. Ms. Williams and her student leaders from the High School gave very insightful speeches about their personal experiences being leaders.
It was a great day for LIS and we look forward to more events like this. A Big Thank You goes out to all of those who helped make this a special day for our students.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Welcome Back
Welcome back everyone from your Thanksgiving break. We hope that everyone had an enjoyable holiday with family and friends. This Friday is the VIP assembly that will start around 9:45 am.
Looking forward to seeing all in attendance.
Looking forward to seeing all in attendance.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
LIS Parent / Teacher conferences
The LIS Parent/Teacher conferences started this evening. There is still time to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher if you have not so. Please reach out to the teacher that you wish to meet with as soon as possible to schedule an appointment. Our remaining conference schedule is: Friday 11/18, Monday 11/21, and Tuesday 11/22. All remaining conference times are 1:55 pm - 3:45 pm. Hope to see you soon!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
LTPS Budget Meeting
Calling all parents ... tonight at 6:30 in the LIS library ... Be part of the conversation!
Attend a budget session and give us your input. Or you could attend the second meeting tonight at 8:00 at the LMS library. Looking forward to seeing you all tonight!
Attend a budget session and give us your input. Or you could attend the second meeting tonight at 8:00 at the LMS library. Looking forward to seeing you all tonight!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
LIS Skypes New Zealand
Ms. Steiner's 4th grade class engages in a dialogue with students in an elementary school in New Zealand. Check out the picutre below...
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
LIS Skypes
Today we observed Ms. Rubinstein's technology and robotics class of 4th graders Skype with students from Eldridge Park. It was great to see the students from each school sharing ideas and answering questions about the robots being created and programmed here at LIS. Ms. Rubinstein and teachers from all 4 elementary schools met to discuss this sharing opportunity and it worked out great. There will be more sharing of ideas between LIS and the elementary schools via Skype in the future. Way to go technology students and teachers... and this time the technology worked without a glitch.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
LIS Going Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
We had a very successful Going Pink event at LIS in late October to support Breast Cancer awareness.
See the pictures below from just a small portion of our students and staff. It was a great event that was well supported by our whole LIS family.
See the pictures below from just a small portion of our students and staff. It was a great event that was well supported by our whole LIS family.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Character Kick Off Day moved
Due to inclement weather, the Character Kick Off activities originally scheduled for tomorrow are being moved to Monday, 10/31/11. Students should arrive to school prepared to go outside on Monday for all of the Character Kick Off activities.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences at LIS
Today, letters went home with all of the students regarding the fall LIS parent/teacher conferences. In this letter, you will find information related to dates, times, and scheduling for conferences. This year, we will utilize the LTPS.org district website and the LIS homepage to schedule all of our conferences online. Please refer to the directions found in the letter sent home today for details. If any parent has a question or concern related to conferences, please do not hesitate contacting the school. Looking forward to seeing all of our parent/guardians next month.
Emergency Drills
This is just a follow up note from correspondence sent home to all of our parents earlier in the school year related to emergency drills. As all of you know, state laws about school emergency drills changed last year. We now have one (1) fire a drill a month and one (1) emergency drill a month. The emergency drills consist of evacuations from the building and stay on campus or evacuations from the building and leave the campus. When LIS leaves the campus, we will walk to Rider University as part of our emergency plan. LIS and Rider already have a standing emergency plan in place if this is ever needed. The other emergency drill situations are lockdown drills. When LIS locks down, all of the students and staff practice keeping safe in the building and practice plans for the various situations that could happen. Our goal is always to ensure the safety of our students and staff members in the event of an emergency, no matter what comes our way. We take the time to explain to our students the need for being prepared and the importance of following directions during our drills. It is helpful when parents/guardians follow up that message at home to reinforce being prepared for these drills. At LIS, we have sucessfully completed two months of drills, the October lock down drill went great last week and we now are planning for future drills. Thank you again for all of your supports!!!!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
4th grade trip article
Here is another article about LIS students on a historical field trip within Lawrence.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Monday, October 10, 2011
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
LIS Back to School nights
Please join us for the LIS Back To School Nights the first week of October.
All starting times are 7:00 in the LIS cafeteria.
4th grade: Monday, 10/3
5th grade: Tuesday, 10/4
6th grade: Wednesday, 10/5
We are looking forward to seeing all of our parents/guardians next week!
All starting times are 7:00 in the LIS cafeteria.
4th grade: Monday, 10/3
5th grade: Tuesday, 10/4
6th grade: Wednesday, 10/5
We are looking forward to seeing all of our parents/guardians next week!
LIS 4th grade Field Trip In Lawrence
Please check out the link below related to an article about the 4th graders from LIS taking a historical tour of Lawrence Township. This trip stems from a grant from LTEF and books donated to the 4th grade to enhance the Social Studies curriculum. Looks like a fun and educational experience.\
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
LIS "Hand Flag"
Attached is the youtube link to the LIS Human - Hand Flag video......
Community Conversation... save the date
All staff, students in grades 7-12, parents, and community members…it's time to get together again as the Conversation continues. Join us at the next Community Conversation on Monday, October 17 in the Lawrence High School Commons. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for you to meet Dr. Crystal Lovell, our new Superintendent, and some of our community partners. Beginning at 7 p.m., you’ll learn about the district’s five-year strategic plan and current programs.
We’ll provide refreshments, babysitting, and door prizes!
Questions? Call (609) 671-5405 or email lmueller@ltps.org.
Be a part of the Conversation. We hope to see you on October 17th.
LIS PTO Meeting
Just a reminder that Monday, September 26th is the first LIS PTO meeting for the school year. The meeting will be held at 7:00 in the LIS Library. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to Cathy LeCompet, the PTO president for information. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Monday, September 19, 2011
LIS "Hand Flag"
Each grade level at LIS created their own "Hand Flag" as part of our Heroes assemblies.
Is this your grade level?
An updated video is linked at the LIS site on the LTPS home page
Reflections from the LIS Heroes Assembly
These are some of the pictures taken from the LIS Heroes assembly last week.
It was a great program in for all involved.
Thanks to all of our everyday Heroes.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Mr. Adam and Hootie
Mr. Adam and Hootie working on the LIS building in preparation for the students to return. Hootie is the LIS mascot
6th Grader Kayla Jackson accepting her "Young Hero's"Award
This is a picture of our own Kayla Jackson accepting her award for being nominated and selected as a "Young Hero" at the National Liberty Mueseum in Philadelphia, PA this summer. Kayla works within and beyond the Lawrence community to collect new and gently used blankets that are donated throughout the region for various worthy causes. Kayla will again be collecting blankets this fall and winter so keep your eyes peeled for more information.
6th grade net books
For all 6th graders who have not yet picked up their net books, please make all efforts to make an appointment and pick up the computers during the first week of school at LHS after school.
Welcome Back
Hello all LIS students and families and welcome back to an exciting new school year.
There are a number of awesome learning opportunities and leadership opportunities that we have planned for our students this year. We know that you will make every effort to "play full out" like Mr. Boggs likes to say. Have a great 2011-2012 school year.
There are a number of awesome learning opportunities and leadership opportunities that we have planned for our students this year. We know that you will make every effort to "play full out" like Mr. Boggs likes to say. Have a great 2011-2012 school year.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Net Books
Reminder to LIS 6th grade students and all LMS students that Net Book distribution is currently going on now through next week. Please go to the school website and schedule a time to pick up the computers at the LHS cafeteria.
Welcome to the 2011-2012 School Year.
We are all very excited to see the students on the first day of school.
We are all very excited to see the students on the first day of school.
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