Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Community Conversation... save the date

All staff, students in grades 7-12, parents, and community members…it's time to get together again as the Conversation continues.  Join us at the next Community Conversation on Monday, October 17 in the Lawrence High School Commons.  Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for you to meet Dr. Crystal Lovell, our new Superintendent, and some of our community partners.  Beginning at 7 p.m., you’ll learn about the district’s five-year strategic plan and current programs.

We’ll provide refreshments, babysitting, and door prizes!

Please pre-register at www.ltps.org/ConversationRegistration. 

Questions?  Call (609) 671-5405 or email lmueller@ltps.org.

Be a part of the Conversation.  We hope to see you on October 17th.