Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Emergency Drills
This is just a follow up note from correspondence sent home to all of our parents earlier in the school year related to emergency drills. As all of you know, state laws about school emergency drills changed last year. We now have one (1) fire a drill a month and one (1) emergency drill a month. The emergency drills consist of evacuations from the building and stay on campus or evacuations from the building and leave the campus. When LIS leaves the campus, we will walk to Rider University as part of our emergency plan. LIS and Rider already have a standing emergency plan in place if this is ever needed. The other emergency drill situations are lockdown drills. When LIS locks down, all of the students and staff practice keeping safe in the building and practice plans for the various situations that could happen. Our goal is always to ensure the safety of our students and staff members in the event of an emergency, no matter what comes our way. We take the time to explain to our students the need for being prepared and the importance of following directions during our drills. It is helpful when parents/guardians follow up that message at home to reinforce being prepared for these drills. At LIS, we have sucessfully completed two months of drills, the October lock down drill went great last week and we now are planning for future drills. Thank you again for all of your supports!!!!!