Thursday, April 26, 2012

NJ ASK Testing

Next week, we will begin NJ ASK Testing at LIS. The testing schedule is as follows:

5th & 6th grade will be testing on Monday, April 30 and Tuesday, May 1 in Language Arts. Math testing will be held on Wednesday, May 2, and Thursday, May 3.

4th grade will be testing on Monday, May 7, and Tuesday, May 8 in Language Arts. Math testing will be held on Wednesday, May 9, and Thursday, May 10. Science will be tested on Friday, May 11.

Please remind your students to get a good night's sleep and have a nutritious breakfast before their testing days. Also, students must arrive promptly in the morning, as testing begins each day at 9:00 am.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Welcome Back! & Spring Book Fair

We hope that everyone enjoyed spending time with family and friends over Spring break. Our students and teachers are refreshed, renewed, and ready for all the upcoming activities at LIS.

Parent/Teacher conferences are going on this week, and so is the Spring Book Fair! Please make time while you're in the building to visit the book fair in the library and support our PTO.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

End of Marking Period 3 & Conferences

The third marking period ends on April 5. Report cards will be given to parents during April Conferences (4/18, 4/19 & 4/20). Students who do not have a parent/teacher conference will bring report cards home on April 20. Signed report card envelopes will be due on Wednesday, April 25.

Sixth grade parents
don't forget to check your child's progress in PowerSchool.  If you need help with PowerSchool access, please take a look at the PowerSchool Overview.

Don't forget to visit the Spring Book Fair in the Library Media Center before or after your conference!