Thursday, March 29, 2012

Chess Challenge

On March 27th and 28th, our 4th and 5th graders participated in a Chess Challenge. Our students enjoyed the activity as they strategized and planned their moves with the hopes of victory. This opportunity is in conjunction with the teachings of our Enrichment Program led by Mrs. Heller, our Gifted and Talented teacher.  

Friday, March 23, 2012

LIS Celebrates St. Baldrick's Day

St. Baldrick's Participants from LIS
The local St. Baldrick's event was held at Amalfi's on Saturday, March 17. As you can see from the photo, many of our LIS students answered the call to be a hero! I joined them in having my head shaved to stand in solidarity with kids fighting cancer, but more importantly, to raise money to find cures. Our LIS team raised $13,931.50 and was the top fundraising team at this event. We are very proud of all our donors, volunteers, and of course, the shavees!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

G&T Information

Gifted and Talented Screening Process
All K-8 students are screened for eligibility to receive gifted and talented services during the 2011-2012 school year. We recognize that parents possess valuable information about the learning characteristics of their children.  Parent nomination forms for G&T are currently available in each building and at www.ltps.org.  Go to Admin, Office of Instructional Services, Special Programs, Gifted and Talented.  Scroll down and click on Parent Inventory Form. Or you could go to:  http://www.ltps.org/files/filesystem/GT%20Parent%20Inventory%202010.pdf  All parent nomination forms are due to the main office by April 27, 2012. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jump Rope & Hoops for Heart

LIS held its 2012 Jump Rope for Heart on Tuesday, March 6th and Hoops for Heart on Friday, March 9th.

LIS has heart!

Our 4th & 5th graders raised $8500 for Jump Rope for Heart!

Our 6th graders raised $2500 for Hoops for Heart.

A special thank you to our Phys Ed Department, Mr. Boggs, Mr. Chichilitti, Mrs. Land, and Ms. Hart for coordinating these two events. Thanks to all our students, their donors, and all the volunteers who made both events such a success!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Reading Challenge Information

Mrs. Casieri (Cat in the Hat) & Ms. Coleman (Thing 1)
What is a "March Madness Reading Challenge?" Mrs. Casieri is challenging every student in the school to read at least 30 minutes per day for the month of March (beginning March 2). Handouts for tracking minutes read will be distributed each Friday to students. The Challenge is sponsored in part by the PTO. Complete details can be found on Mrs. Casieri's Teacher Page. Happy Reading!

March Madness Reading Challenge!

Mr. Adam, Ms. Westhead, & Ms. Hayes

We kicked off our first annual March Madness Reading Challenge on Friday, March 2, with a live parade on the LIS morning show. Students were invited to dress as their favorite Dr. Seuss character to celebrate what would have been Dr. Seuss's 108th birthday.

Students lining up in their Seussical finery

6th graders C.J., Sam, & Alex